This tutorial will show how to connect to the BME280 using the Raspberry Pi Pico. It will demonstrate the physical setup and code setup.
Step 1-) Gather the components required:
- Jumper Wires:
- Raspberry Pi Pico or Raspberry Pi Pico W (soldered) with MicroUSB:
- BME280:
Step 2-) Connect the BME280 to the Raspberry Pi in the following manner:
Step 3-) Download BME280 Library in Thonny Packages:
Go to Tools > Packages and then search BME280, download the MicroPython version!
Step 4-) Create a Python file on your Raspberry Pi Pico with the following code:
Once this is set up you should be able to run the code and start getting readings for temperature, humidity, and pressure! Good luck!