Part 2: Robot Assembly - Raspberry Pi Pico W Robotics Course

Part 2: Robot Assembly

Welcome back to the Raspberry Pi Pico W Robotics Course! In this section, we’ll assemble the chassis, mount all the components, and connect everything with wires. By the end, you’ll have a fully assembled robot ready for programming.

What You’ll Do in Part 2

In this part of the course, we’ll focus on the physical assembly of your robot. Here’s what you’ll accomplish:

  • Assemble the robot chassis and attach the motors.
  • Mount the Raspberry Pi Pico W, motor driver, and other components.
  • Connect all components using jumper wires and alligator clips.
  • Clean up the wiring with zip ties and tape for a neat and secure build.

Let’s get started!

Step 1: Assemble the Chassis

First, we’ll assemble the chassis, which is the foundation of your robot. Follow these steps:

  1. Take the chassis frame and attach the DC motors to the designated slots using screws.
  2. Secure the wheels to the motor shafts. Ensure they are tightly fitted to avoid slipping.
  3. Attach the caster wheel (if included) to the front or rear of the chassis for balance.

Once the chassis is assembled, your robot will have a solid base to move around.

Step 2: Mount the Components

Next, we’ll mount the electronic components onto the chassis. Here’s how:

  1. Place the Raspberry Pi Pico W on the chassis and secure it using tape or Velcro.
  2. Mount the L298N Motor Driver near the motors for easy wiring.
  3. Attach the HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor to the front of the chassis using tape or a small bracket.
  4. Place the breadboard on the chassis and secure it with tape. This will be used for connecting components.

Make sure all components are securely mounted to avoid movement during operation.

Step 3: Connect the Components

Now, it’s time to wire everything together. Follow these steps carefully:

  1. Connect the DC motors to the L298N Motor Driver using jumper wires. Refer to the motor driver’s pinout diagram for guidance.
  2. Connect the L298N Motor Driver to the Raspberry Pi Pico W using jumper wires. Ensure the connections match the GPIO pins specified in the diagram.
  3. Wire the HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor to the Pico W. Connect the VCC and GND pins to the appropriate power and ground pins, and connect the trigger and echo pins to the GPIO pins.
  4. Connect the RGB LEDs (if included) to the Pico W for visual feedback.
  5. Use the 8-piece 1.5V battery holder to power the motor driver. Connect the battery holder to the motor driver’s power input.

Double-check all connections to ensure they are secure and correct.

Step 4: Clean Up with Zip Ties and Tape

To keep your robot neat and prevent wires from getting tangled, use zip ties and tape to organize the wiring:

  1. Bundle loose wires together using zip ties.
  2. Use tape to secure wires to the chassis, ensuring they don’t interfere with the wheels or other moving parts.
  3. Trim any excess length from the zip ties for a clean finish.

A clean build not only looks professional but also makes troubleshooting easier.

Connection Diagrams

To help you visualize the wiring, here are the connection diagrams for the key components:

  • Motor Driver to Pico W:
  • HC-SR04 Sensor to Pico W:
  • RGB LEDs to Pico W:

Refer to these diagrams as you connect the components.

What’s Next?

Congratulations! Your robot is now fully assembled and ready for programming. In Part 3: Motor Control Programming, we’ll write the code to make your robot move. Stay tuned!

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Part 2: Robot Assembly - Raspberry Pi Pico W Robotics Course

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