SSH Raspberry Pi via Cell Phone


Learn how to control your raspberry pi remotely with your cell phone via the SSH protocol. Thankfully the Termius app, available on Android and Apple stores allow us to set this up with ease. I will walk you through the setup in this tutorial.

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Step 1: Prepare Your Raspberry Pi for SSH Access

Before you can start controlling your Raspberry Pi remotely, you need to ensure that SSH (Secure Shell) is enabled. SSH allows you to access your Raspberry Pi over the network securely. Here’s how to enable it:
  • Boot up your Raspberry Pi and open the terminal.
  • Enter sudo raspi-config to open the configuration settings.
  • Navigate to "Interfacing Options" and then to "SSH."
  • Choose "Yes" to enable SSH, then select "Finish, " and reboot your Pi if required.

    Step 2: Find Your Raspberry Pi's IP Address

    To connect to your Raspberry Pi, you'll need its IP address. You can easily find this by using the ifconfig command in the terminal. Look for the 'inet' line under the 'wlan0' entry if you are connected via Wi-Fi, or 'eth0' if you’re using an Ethernet cable. This line will display your Raspberry Pi's local IP address.

    Step 3: Setting Up Termius on Your Smartphone

    Now that your Raspberry Pi is ready for remote access, let’s set up the Termius app:
    • Download and Install Termius: Grab the Termius app from your phone's app store and install it.
    • Add Your Raspberry Pi as a Host: Launch Termius and tap on the 'New Host' button. Here, you will enter your Raspberry Pi’s IP address that you noted earlier.
    • Enter Credentials: For authentication, input your Raspberry Pi's username and password. The default usually is 'pi' for the username and 'raspberry' for the password, unless you've changed it.
    • Connect and Control: Hit the ‘Connect’ button. Once connected, you’re ready to execute commands on your Raspberry Pi from your phone, just like you would from a traditional computer terminal.

      Enhancing Your Experience

      This setup not only enhances your productivity but also ensures that you can manage your projects even when you’re away from your desk. The security of SSH also means that your commands and data remain encrypted over your network, keeping your Raspberry Pi secure.
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